
Hey Everybody I’m in Florida right now so I am writeing about an animal that you will see around alot around here a DOLPHIN! We were riding around on the boat and my friend Kyle saw a fin in the water I actually screamed because I thought it was a shark but it was actually a pod of 5 ish dolphins! They came so close to the boat that we could lean out and touch them they really like it when you talk in a high pitched voice to them because thats how they talk to each other!  There were 2 pairs of a mama dolphin and a baby dolphin and the babys are VERY playful. (they are also the cutest)  If you live near a place with dolphins and sharks and whales (oh my! hehehe) please send me a story of your experiences I would love to hear from you! Also it’s time for everybody to get on with the voteing for favorite animal of the month!!! Bye see you all soon:D

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6 thoughts on “Dolphins!!!!

  1. Dear Amanda,

    I love Dolphins! But I do not live by an ocean so I do not have a story but there are my favrotie animal. But the sad part is I never seen a real dolphin. I read that you saw the dolphins but did you swim with them?

    Your Friend,
    Techie Kids

    • Dear Ally,

      Thank you for your comment! I have swam with dolphins before in a place called discovery cove. You should check it out! It was an amazing experience. Dolphins are incredibly sweet and smart creatures. When I turn 14 I am going there again and i can’t wait. But to answer your question I did not go swimming with the wild dolphins because it is illegal but I would have jumped in if i could!

      From Your Animal Loving Friend,

  2. Dear Amanda,

    That is so cool that you swam with the dolphins. That is one of my dreams to swim with the dolphins. Where in Flordia was Discovery Cove? How old was the dolphin that you swam with and what was his or her name?

    Your Friend,
    Techie Kids

    • Dear Ally,

      Discovery cove is in Orlando Florida and it is very close to Seaworld, Disney world, Bush Gardens, and many other awesome places. The dolphin I swam with is now turning 49 or 50 I can’t really remember but dolphins in captivity live around the age some humans do isn’t that cool? His name was Capricorn and guess what he was in one of the Jaws movies! If you go onto Mr. Avery’s Blog and search for my post you can learn more info about my trip and you will get to see some really cool pictures that I think you will like!

      From your dolphin trainer Friend,

      • Dear Amanda,

        That is very cool! I can’t believe that dolphin was in one of the Jaws movies. Also, I did not know that dolphins can live around the age of a human. I wonder what is the oldest dolphin living or that lived age is.

        I will for sure check out your pictures from your trip. Did you get to feed the dolphins or at least see them being fed? Do you know how old was the oldest dolphin that was in the water when you saw them or was the one that you swam with the oldest one there?

        Your pal,
        Techie Kids

        • Dear Ally,

          The oldest dolphin in discovery cove was capricorn. I did get to feed the dolphins but they eat some pretty gross things such as squid, fish, and a weird type of clam. I fed Capricorn one of each! On my trip we weren’t just swimming with dolphins we got to go to feed stingrays (which are really sweet but have a bad rep) I got to feed them as well they eat shrimp but in order to feed them you have to hold the shrimp a special way. We did many more things but I won’t tell you about them when I can show you! Just go to and that should bring you to the Discovery cove website!


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